Integrify Academy
Web Development
The 6 months full-time training program at Integrify Coding Academy in Helsinki, thought by Asabeneh Yetayeh, covered HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, Node Js, Express and Mongo DB. The course focused on both front end and backend with special attention to the MERN stack. However, during the final company\'s project, I have learned the JAMStack, more specifically Gatsby, Graphql and Contenful. The course offered plenty of in-class exercises and coding challenges for JavaScript, and several assignments for JavaScript, React and the MERN Stack.
- MERN Stack
- JAMStack
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- Node
- Express
- Mongo DB
- Gatsby
- GraphQL
- Contentful
30 Days of JavaScript
The 30 Days JavaScript Challenge, from Asabeneh Yetayeh, my teacher at Integrify, is perhaps the best JavaScript course I have ever done. With its multitude of topics and a plethora of exercises and coding challenges, it considerably helps to strengthen a developer's problem-solving skills when learning JavaScript, with everything from data structures to functional programming, DOM manipulation, and asynchronous JavaScript.
- Data Structures
- Functional Programming
- Local Storage
- DOM Manipulation
- Asynchronous JavaScript
The Complete JavaScript Course
Udemy Academy
Jonas Schmedtmann is one of the best Udemy tutors. This course covered basic fundamentals of JavaScript, arrays, loops, functions, functional programming, OOP, and asynchronous JavaSCript. The course included several projects to increase problem-solving with JavaScript in real-life applications.
- Data Types
- Data Structures
- ES6
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Webpack
Advanced CSS and Sass
Udemy Academy
A unique way of learning advanced CSS and Sass, together with modern CSS features like Flexbox and Grid. Jonas Schmedtmann has a unique style of teaching all the aspects of advanced CSS with outstanding structure, attention to details, and excellent design skills.
- Advanced CSS
- Sass
- Flexbox
- Grid
- Responsive Design
The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp
Udemy Academy
Colt Steele's Complete Web Developer Bootcamp is probably the best beginner's course of web development out there. Thanks to this course my passion for programming and web development ignited. Colt has a meticulous and clear way of teaching and disseminates the course with exercises and projects. The course covers all aspects of web development, from frontend to backend, and ends with the project of a full-stack Yelpcamp app.
- CSS3
- Boostrap 4
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- Node
- Express
- Mongo DB